In this paper, micro and nano-scale simulations of the nn-heterostructures of Si/4H-SiC and Si/3C-SiC have been done with Silvaco TCAD and QuantumWise Atomistix Toolkit (ATK) softwares respectively. Heterostructures fabricated by the direct bonding of SiC polytype and Si may have interesting physical and electrical attributes. Silicon (Si) also has been accepted as a promising material for wide range of electronic, optical and optoelectronic applications. The most prominent polytypes (among 200 types) of SiC like 3C-SiC, 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC, have distinctive electrical and physical attributes that make them promising candidates for high performance optoelectronic applications. These properties make SiC highly suitable for high temperature, high frequency, and high power electronics applications. In the last decades, silicon carbide (SiC) based heterostructures have gained a remarkable place in research field due to their exceptional properties. For this purpose, simulations of a novel nn-heterojunction 4H-6H/SiC diodes with the inclusion of an armchair nanoribbon layer have been carried out. This article attempts to simulate electronic devices having SiC and graphene as their constituent materials. Electronic devices which have SiC and graphene as their constituent materials may combine the outstanding attributes of both materials. Some of these polytypes (such as 4H-SiC, 6H-SiC and 3C-SiC) have exceptional physical and electrical properties. SiC has more than 250 different crystalline forms, these are called polytypes. Meanwhile silicon carbide (SiC), a wide bandgap semiconductor material, is being used for high temperature optoelectronic applications. These attributes make it highly suitable to develop electronic devices with ultra-high mobility of charge carriers. In recent years, graphene has sparked the interest of researchers due to its promising electrical and physical attributes. A nanoscale electronic device simulator, Quantumwise Atomistix Toolkit (ATK), has been used to simulate graphene nanosheet and armchair graphene nanorib. In this method, a change in the photocurrent, as well as electric current, have been used as detection signals to improve the sensor accuracy and selectivity for specific target molecules. A novel method for the detection of organic compounds (phenol and methanol) has been introduced in this article. The purpose of the work presented in this article is to demonstrate the ability of graphene derivatives to detect toxic organic compounds like phenol and methanol. This property of graphene makes it a suitable candidate for sensor applications. Graphene is very sensitive to any physical changes in its surrounding environment and, inherently, has very low electronic noise. Over the last decade graphene based electronic devices have attracted the interest of researchers due to their exceptional chemical, electrical and optical properties. An increase in barrier height in fabricated SBD is also observed with an increas. An improvement in the ideality factor of Al-Foil/p-type-4H-SiC SBD has been noticed with an increase in temperature. It has been found that the ideality factor and barrier heights of identically manufactured Al-Foil/p-type-4H-SiC SBDs showing distinct deviation in their electrical characteristics. The current-voltage (I-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics based on the thermionic emission model in the temperature range (300 K–450 K) are investigated. The electrical properties of physically fabricated Al-Foil/4H-SiC SBD have been investigated. In this work, the Schottky barrier diode (SBD) fabricated by depositing Al-Foil on the p-type 4H-SiC substrate with a novel technology DW. The diffusion welding (DW) is a comprehensive mechanism that can be extensively used to develop silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky rectifiers as a cheaper alternative to existing mainstream contact forming technologies.